Posts tagged The National Elk Refuge
Elkfest 2023

Every spring in Jackson Hole marks a unique tradition of celebrating ElkFest. A special gathering pops up as thousands of elk at the National Elk Refuge shed their antlers. It's a beautiful opportunity for locals and visitors to commemorate nature, and celebrate the coming change of seasons from Winter to Spring.

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Things to do in Jackson Hole During Spring

Spring in Jackson Hole is a unique and exciting experience! From thrilling outdoor adventures like biking and skiing to luxury spa treatments, there's something for everyone. Take time to explore the region this season – from leisurely shopping trips to adrenaline-pumping activities on pristine mountain trails, you're sure to find fun wherever you go!

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History of The National Elk Refuge Near Jackson Hole

In 1912, a refuge was established in response to the growing fascination with animals around Jackson Hole. Due to its immense popularity and success, sleigh rides began being offered as tours for public enjoyment in 1965. Nowadays it encompasses nearly 25,000 acres of elk winter range - making it one of the only remaining habitats left near Jackson Hole.

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